CONTESTCalling ALL Independent Artists from all genres including, Poets, Singers, Rappers, and Bands. This contest is for you! Artist with the most engagement can win a Professional LIVE in Studio Performance!
Steps to Qualify:
1. Be an Artist on the MVP Vibe Platform 2. Post Your Content on/after April 1st 3 Share and Invite fans to “MVP Vibe” to view, like, and comment on your posts to increase engagement. Prize
Fine Print
Calling ALL Independent Artists from all genres including, Poets, Singers, Rappers, and Bands. This contest is for you! Artist with the most engagement can win a Professional LIVE in Studio Performance! Contest runs the month of April (Start date 4/1/21) 3 Easy Steps to Qualify:
Contest Ends 4/30/21
Winner receives: Professional Studio Performance